Saturday, September 10, 2011

Losing weight and feeling great

Hey guys- just went to a 90 day challenge party today and it was soooo awsome, I just had to start a blog on it...... So what is the 90 day challenge? Its 90 day that you dedicate to getting healthy, - In my case losing weight. After college I started packing on a few pounds, then after being pregnant....the weight was just too much. So I signed up for the 90 day challenge to help lose weight. I started July 28th, so I am about 5 weeks in and have lost 15lbs!! And I feel great, have waaayyyy more engery, and acutally saved about 100 buck on my groceries last month......feel free to write comments, and I will give you more enough on how to lose weight and join the challenge with me!